
Frontline Staff, ‘Unskilled’ Workers and the Great Resignation

Unskilled workers don’t exist. There used to be ways that companies categorised their workforce into ‘skilled’ and ‘unskilled’ prepositions. This differentiation would justify wage structures, responsibilities, training, and recruitment, in which ‘unskilled’ workers would very much fall victim to lower pay, fewer responsibilities, and less training.

The pandemic changed the world irrevocably in many ways. From less shopping in person due to health concerns, to many having a major job switch, the workforce has never looked more different. Recruiting frontline staff is now more challenging. The “great resignation” leading to the current labour shortage has burdened many organisations.

Now, managers are realising the value of their employees and are desperate to retain and recruit staff. With this comes more need to train staff, increase benefits, truly value every employee in your organisation, and pave the way for every employee to be a skilled worker.

Why Frontline Workers are Never Expendable

Online shopping has eliminated captive in-person retail audiences like never before. Consumers can access the whole online marketplace from anywhere, at any time. Customers regard stores as secondary resources rather than retail destinations.

Rather than the first stop for direct sales, brick-and-mortar locations have become an important place to build customer loyalty and get ahead of the competition.

This makes frontline employees crucial.

unskilled workers

Customer Experience is Key.

Service, attitude, accessibility, and knowledge all work together to build a great customer experience. While in-store sales may not be high-value, it’s where you build customer loyalty. Your team’s experiences and impressions are what customers remember. It is the talents and attitude of your frontline personnel that make your business stand out.

What Can Rands Do To Attract And Keep a Strong Workforce?

It’s no secret that recruiting in 2022 is tough.

Experts predict that 85 million vacant jobs globally by 2030, owing to skills shortages, will cost $8.5 trillion in yearly revenue.

71% of CEOs surveyed by Fortune/Deloitte expect the skills shortage to be the year’s most significant corporate disruptor.

All industries must prioritise staff retention and upskilling. Even brands that previously relied upon the ‘unskilled’ masses.

So what should companies do?


77% of respondents to a Glassdoor survey research a company’s culture before applying to work for it. 56% ranked company culture over money. WorkJam, the leader in the digital frontline workplace, recently conducted a survey. It found that over two-thirds of Gen Z employees seek new jobs because of a lack of appreciation.

Create a pleasant working atmosphere to attract and retain employees at every level. Ensure everyone feels respected and heard. You should include superior facilities, managerial training, and digital communication in delivering a healthy company culture.


Despite being the initial point of consumer interaction, frontline staff usually receive the least training. Change is needed. Educating and upskilling frontline workers makes sense. It may assist them – and your company – deliver the finest customer experience. All while developing brand image and client loyalty. It also makes employees feel valued, which increases loyalty.

This relates to the most crucial issue in the current climate: protecting your business from a future skills shortage. If you train and promote all staff, there will always be someone to fill skills gaps.


The correct digital management tool can help build a business culture. Use it to facilitate direct feedback and enable personalised training opportunities. You can automate employee performance monitoring to assess where they may need help. This could look like extra training or emotional support. The right digital frontline workplace solution can give businesses the control they need to create the best working environment and employee experience.

Surveys, mobile-friendly training, obligatory messages, and anonymised replies improve communication in a digital frontline workplace. Better communication leads to happier, more satisfied employees.

Unskilled workers don’t exist in an effective business. Businesses can enhance productivity, job satisfaction, and retention by investing in employee careers and building a winning customer experience.

Mark Williams, Managing Director EMEA at WorkJam. WorkJam was founded in 2014 to improve the lives of frontline workers. As the world’s leading digital frontline workplace, WorkJam combines communication, task management, scheduling tools, learning, and more – all on one app. It is the only complete and unified system designed to revolutionise the way HQs and their frontline work together, boosting efficiencies and productivity