Are you eligible to make a claim against your employer?
It can be a little bit daunting having to confront an employer, particularly if you aren’t sure you are eligible to make a claim in the first place. You might feel a little cautious about approaching them yourself, especially if it’s a large corporation, but this is where experts can help.
We have listed some of the reasons below as to what could make you eligible to claim against the company you are working for.
Have you been unfairly dismissed?
If you have recently been dismissed from employment and you feel that the disciplinary process wasn’t a fair one – then you could be able to make a claim. This could also be the case if you feel that you weren’t given the right notice. The only thing with this is that you will need to make a claim fairly quickly as there are time limits to these ones. Make sure you contact experts straight away. If you don’t already have a solicitor, or perhaps you’re just looking for more information on how employment law works and how solicitors can help, you should look into the services that Spencers Solicitors have. They can assist with unfair dismissals, illness at work and redundancy and you can make your enquiry instantly using their online form.
Have you been made redundant?
Redundancy is always a tough one no matter what the circumstances are. When redundancies are put in place, employers need to make sure that there is an adequate selection process put in place. If you feel that you weren’t treated fairly within that redundancy process, then you could have a case against the company.
Do you feel discriminated against?
It is against the law for companies to treat people differently based on gender, age or race. Have you been in the running for a promotion and feel you have been discriminated against due to this? Or perhaps you aren’t paid the same but are doing the exact same job. This is a common concern when it comes to gender pay gaps. All of these could leave you with a claim against the company that you work for.
Was your flexible working request denied?
It could be that you have recently put in a flexible working request that is perfectly within your rights. You may have returned to work from illness or have had a baby and feel this is the right way forward for you to maintain a good work/life balance. If this has been denied – then again, it could be a good idea for you to seek legal advice and find out if there is the possibility of a claim.
Although the initial thought of seeking advice and claiming against your employers, it could be e necessary step depending on the circumstances. It is important that you exercise your employee rights and make sure that they are following the correct processes and procedures when making their decisions. Remember to speak to an expert before doing anything, and that there is nothing to lose if you choose to go down the no win no fee route.