Don’t let roller shutters be a security weak point
If you have roller shutters in your shop, business or storage premises, then you need to ensure they aren’t a potential big security weak point. They are ideal for closing off and securing big open areas such as retail delivery access, stores, warehouses and large home or commercial garages.
Much like any other type of door, they are only as secure as you make them; if not secured properly they are often the weakest point and a security vulnerability for your business or home. We spoke to Locksmith Leicester for advice on how to make all your roller shutters more secure.
Problems with roller shutters
One of the main problems with roller shutters is that they can often be quite easily broken into by using a vehicle or levering them with enough force, especially if you’re only relying on a chain or a padlock. Of course, this is going to make a large amount of noise and disruption, however, in a deserted industrial area or quite street at night, will anyone hear it?
Even with an alarm system in place, if shutters are open to a quick opportunist attack, the likelihood is that any response will be too late. Do you want to leave the security of your shop, storage and contents to someone hearing and reporting forced entry, or responding to an alarm call?
How to stop ram raids?
Roller shutters, like garage doors, are vulnerable to vehicles being driven through them, because they often span a wide area. They need to be securely fixed to a solid frame or a robust wall that is in good condition, otherwise they potentially offer poor resistance to ram raiding.
In order to fully stop vehicles from being able to drive through your roller shutters, the best security measure is to install either fixed or lockable bollards. These provide an extra line of defence and stop the shutter being the point of impact with any vehicles.
Securing your roller shutter doors correctly
Like most other door types, roller shutters have a very specific type of lock, known as a bullet lock. When you buy or rent new premises, you should ensure these are changed for insurance purposes and to stop any previous owners or tenants having access.
As with all locks, not all bullet locks are created equal! There are a wide variety of brands and manufacturers of these locks, the best level of security can be achieved with hardened lock surrounds and toughened locks, these are much more resistant to brute force attacks.
The overall security of these types of shutters relies on the runners that are secured to either side of the walls allowing the shutter and bullet lock to function correctly. The installation of the lock itself can actually be the weak point, as the bullet lock’s body housing needs to be securely welded to the runner frame. The steel housing is the element that actually allows the bullet lock to be secured to the roller shutter, you should use one on each side of the roller shutter, or more for added security.
Additional roller shutter security
For the best security its worth pairing the roller shutter locks with a ground lock system. These consist of a toughened plate that is securely fitted to the door itself and a toughened ground bolt, designed to resist forcing and fitted outside, they give and added layer of security. You can see one of the best rated ground bolt roller shutter solutions from Bulldog.
Like most passive security systems, a good deterrent is usually enough to make would be burglars look elsewhere, as many of these crimes are opportunistic and are aimed at the easiest targets. It’s worth getting a business security review from your local locksmith, or find out more about the Locksmith Leicester commercial security services and book an audit.