8 ways to keep your shop or business premises more secure
Take a moment to think about all the valuables you keep at your business premises. Customer records, cash and legal documents, as well as computers and other technology or equipment. Now consider whether you’re doing everything you can to protect them.
With the added issues posed by Coronavirus in 2020 and many businesses and shops having to stand empty due to the crisis, we spoke to Steve at Locksmiths Kettering who have provided a handy checklist to keep your shop secure. Whether you have a shop, office or even a warehouse, you can make sure that you’re doing everything you can to keep your business secure.
1. Start with an audit
Before you make any decisions about how the security at your business premises can be improved ask a security professional to give your existing measures the once over. A locksmith will generally be happy to take a look at your current provision and recommend any improvements or upgrades.
2. Look at the locks
Whether you opt for a professional security audit, or decide to assess your existing security arrangements yourself, one of the most important aspects of securing a commercial property is to make sure that your locks are up to the job they’re being asked to do.
External doors should be fitted with deadlocks, and you should also add locks to internal doors, particularly to any offices, cupboards or store areas where valuables are kept, as this will slow down the progress of an intruder if they do manage to enter the property.
Don’t forget windows, and for larger commercial premises such as warehouses or shops with security shutters check out some of the heavy duty options available.
3. Update your technology
Smart access systems are an excellent way to bring your security into the 21st century. They may seem an expensive outlay but there are many advantages to using smart locks and automatic locking systems.
If you have keypad or smart fob entry systems installed, they allow you to monitor who is entering your commercial premises. This can be useful if you want to allow ‘out of hours’ entry but still know who has been on the premises.
It’s also easy to remove access from employees if necessary. So if someone leaves the business you can just disable their fob or change the access code, without having the hassle of getting keys back.
4. Install an alarm
If you haven’t already fitted a security alarm then speak to a professional alarm engineer about having one put in. Consider a system that lets you monitor your property when you’re off-site. That way you’ll always know that your business is secure.
5. Don’t forget the outside
Ensure that any gates have strong locks fitted, and erect tall perimeter fencing to keep out would be intruders.
You can also consider anti-climb features such as wall-top spikes and anti-climb paint. These make it much more difficult for your premises to be broken into. Often burglars are opportunities, and when a property presents a challenge they will generally move to one that
6. Remember cyber security
Remind all employees about the need to keep passwords secure, and to change them regularly. You should also encourage them not to save any unencrypted files onto portable storage devices such as USBs. If you or any of your staff use company laptops off-site beware of the danger of using unsecured networks, and of course don’t leave them anywhere that they could be stolen.
Also think about the information you put out on any social media channels linked to your business. You might think that a friendly ‘we’re away for a week on our holidays’ is a nice way to communicate with customers, but you could also be telling would-be burglars that your premises will be left empty.
7. Team up with others
If your based on a high street, a business park or even in a block of offices, think about teaming up with nearby businesses to form a ‘Business Watch’ similar to a domestic Neighbourhood Watch scheme.
8. Don’t forget training
All the security measures in the world still won’t be effective if any staff you have don’t understand what they are. Ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities, including locking all windows and doors if they are the last to leave, and making certain that any alarm systems are set.
It’s also worth reminding them about other steps they can take such as alerting you if they see anything suspicious around the premises.
When you run a business your premises are an important asset. Taking just a few small steps can help to keep your shop secure.