Easy ways to improve foot traffic to your store
If you have a retail location, you are going to rely on foot traffic as much as you will rely on means of pulling in customers through social media and other modern techniques.
Foot traffic can attract a whole new type of client; someone who is might just be passing and who otherwise has no idea that your business is there. Here are some easy ways for you to improve the foot traffic to your store.
Appealing windows
Your windows should be the thing which makes people stop and stare and want to come in and browse your products. There are plenty of ways you can improve your windows to make them appeal to a variety of different customers.
Try to come up with a simple and clean window display. Ideally, you want something which is going to be able to explain exactly what your business can offer. Give people a snapshot of what lies beyond. That will hopefully entice them to check out the rest of the shop.
Keep the outside attractive
If you have a store on a street instead of in a shopping centre, you will probably have a little bit of curb space to take care of. You should always make sure that this is neat and tidy in addition to making sure that your retail space is also neat and tidy.
Make sure that this space is extra attractive by investing in some digital signage for retail. Cenareo makes high-quality digital signage which allows you to easily display any content you want from devices like your laptop or smartphone. Digital signage allows you to create a dynamic sign which is more likely to catch the eye of a passer-by than a static one. This, in turn, should hopefully be able to attract more people in.
Keep a tidy store
Making the outside neat and tidy is not the only way to improve traffic in your store. Many people won’t want to spend a lot of time in a store if they feel like it is overly cluttered or a mess. Take the time to tidy up throughout the day.
If you have a stock delivery, deal with it as quickly as you can regardless of how busy the store is. Try to minimise the mess during a stock change. Anything which can be dealt with during a quieter period should be done in these times so that you can focus on keeping the store neat and customer service sharp when customers are coming through the door.
Use social media to your advantage
As a business in the 21st century, you can make an awful lot of use out of your social media. If you don’t yet have social media pages for your business, you need to make them now. You can use these pages to drum up support for your business. Tease any new stock releases, announce any upcoming discounts, and interact with your customers.
You can even plan a special event for after closing hours and push it out through social media. This event can be about anything you choose; the store’s anniversary, your birthday, or even just to celebrate something seasonal. It can be a great way to get a little extra business and your social media can help you plan it all.
Your business gives off a first impression just like you do as an individual. If you can present a clean and tidy store which looks inviting from the moment you set eyes on it, it is bound to attract more foot traffic. Take a look at where you can make improvements today.