
The main reasons for ‘webrooming’

What are the main reasons for the rise of ‘webrooming’?

Well, Experian Marketing Services think they can put it down to five main factors:

1. Customers relish immediacy

Why wait for days (or weeks) for something to arrive when you can go and buy it now? Of course, there are issues concerning price and offers but if, after research, a customer feels there is little difference between the online and the offline, an in store purchase is an attractive prospect.

2. No shipping/postal fees

What’s not to like? As long as any price difference doesn’t exceed the money saved on delivery it may work out cheaper to buy in store – especially big and bulky items.

3. Being able to see what you’re buying in the flesh

Ok so this is a contributory factor to the showrooming effect – however, being able to see it as you buy it does provide some satisfaction.

4. Personal relationship with staff.

When buying an item in store a customer can ask any last minute questions and get assurances from a member of staff. For many people, this personal relationship is more satisfactory than anything an online store can provide.

5. Knowing what the process is for returning.

Similar to the above, buying something from a store means a customer knows how and where to return an item should they change their mind. They know where the store is and can clarify with a staff member any warrantees or time periods that apply.

Click here to find out about the Rise of the ‘webroomers’

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