
What Do You Need to Know Before Buying Your First Car?

Buying a car is always a responsible step, the reasons sometimes also matter when choosing. If you drive a car infrequently, for example during business meetings or vacations, it makes sense to use a rental car. Renting a car is a very profitable solution: it saves you time, money and still provides a huge selection of cars. For example, if you’re in the UAE, you may choose Ferrari for rent in Dubai one day, Lamborghini for hire in Abu Dhabi on the second day, and so on. The choice is limitless.

But if your trips are frequent, then it’s easier for you to buy a car, because it will pay off in full. In this article, we will analyze what points you need to pay attention to when buying the first, and maybe not the first car.

1. Is it Possible to Sell Your Car in the Future

And here is the first aspect that is worth paying attention to.

In the worst case, the car will have to be scrapped, at best, sold or exchanged for a trade-in. Let’s see how to choose your car so that in the future it can be quickly sold with a minimum loss in price:

  • Brand and model. Popular models are easier to sell on the market in the future than some rare or exclusive options.
  • Official representation in your country. This mainly concerns used cars of those brands that are not officially represented in our country. The absence of dealerships and an official guarantee reduces the liquidity of the car and the cost of its subsequent sale.

buying first car

2. Size Matters

Dimensions are the second thing you need to pay attention to. Firstly, with a huge car, you will not be able to save on fuel, and, secondly, a large car is not very convenient for traveling around the city (it is especially difficult to park on narrow streets and perform various maneuvers). If you choose a small car, you will very soon be able to experience a good benefit on: refueling, taxes, insurance and repairs.

3. Car Maintenance Cost

If a car is bought, it is necessary to add annual expenses to its price:

  • Insurance. Annual costs vary from country to country.
  • Fuel consumption. A huge vehicle with a strong engine consumes more fuel, especially if it is equipped with all-wheel drive.
  • Maintenance. To maintain the warranty on a new car, maintenance is required.
  • Tax. The tax on a car is calculated depending on the power of its engine (horsepower), so the more powerful the car, the greater the tax.
  • Other expenses, which include parking costs, possible fines, purchase of winter tires, emergency car repairs.

The Main Mistakes Made When Buying a First Car

Common mistakes that lie in wait for inexperienced drivers:

  • When buying a secondhand automobile, a rookie driver does not investigate the vehicle’s history. An accident, problems with the tax service, and other issues will pose challenges for a beginning.
  • Buying an expensive or cheap car. The extreme while selecting an automobile for purchase is the incorrect criteria. When a beginner driver has no information about the quality of the roads, an exclusive car is usually acquired in excitement. The car’s visual appeal and uniqueness are prioritized. A novice driver misses the reality that some automobile models are not suitable for city driving. As a result, a high-end vehicle fails prematurely and loses performance.
  • An inexperienced driver does not research the vendor before signing a sales contract. Perhaps the individual selling the automobile is wanted or has debts, in which case the traffic police may place limitations on the vehicle.

If you are new to driving and are unsure about which automobile to purchase, try to be patient and deliberate. Calculate the budget, gas prices, and fuel use for the day accurately. Consider numerous market offerings and talk with an expert driver at a car dealership.