3 top office security tips
There are many things to secure within your office, from computers and other valuable equipment to intellectual property and proprietary company information.
Office security is necessary on one level or another, even if your office building is located in a safe area. Here are some ways that you can protect your employees and your business property through security measures.
Improve secure accessibility for authorised personnel
Some or all of your staff will need to have access to your office, and plastic IDs such as those you can find at https://www.plastic-id.com/ may be more secure than standard metal keys. Not only are metal keys easier to lose, but plastic IDs, key fobs, and microelectronic key cards are also equipped with technology to increase your ability to control access. You can enable office access during specific hours for authorised employees, and limit hours for others who shouldn’t have access during the evening or over weekends. Additionally, you can shut off access to an individual’s card with the click of a button if their card is lost, or disable access until the card is turned in if the employee is sacked under tense circumstances.
Unless your business has clients or customers that visit, you might consider keeping your office locked at all times, especially if it’s located in a busy or industrial area. This will ensure that no one other than your authorised employees can enter.
Be proactive with security measures
You can prevent burglary or intellectual property theft by taking proactive measures with lighting and locks.
Ensure exterior lighting is sufficient to illuminate exits and employee parking lots for their protection if they leave or arrive after dark. Lighted exits may prevent burglaries because most would-be burglars do not wish to be seen. If you want to avoid wasting energy, you can install motion sensors so that exterior lighting only turns on when people are moving nearby.
Another way you can be more proactive with security is always to keep sensitive documents and systems locked. You should always keep sensitive or important documents locked in secure file cabinets. If you have a physical server or server room, keep it locked and only provide access for your IT team or IT Director.
Educate yourself and your employees
Even with the above measures in place, you’re most likely not a security expert yourself. It might be valuable to talk to a professional security specialist to uncover any potential security risks or areas where you can be more proactive about protecting your business. Consulting an expert may save your expenses in the long run, since most security problems can cost more than a one-time consultation with a security expert.
Once your security plan is in place, it’s time to make sure your staff is informed about your security procedures. Your security procedures and training will depend on your type of business. A retail store employee may need to know what to do in the case of a robbery or shoplifting incident, while an office worker might need to know how to react if an unauthorised person enters the building. Schedule an initial training with each employee, and follow up with annual reminder sessions to keep the procedures fresh in their mind.