5 best practices on how to make your email campaign more profitable
E-mail marketing stands as the best measure for attracting your client’s attention and customers.
But most of the new online business owners often find it difficult to channelize the best potential out of email marketing. It is just because they are unaware of the fruitful practices that can make their email campaign stand out.
Therefore, if you are one of those individuals who cannot enjoy the perks of email marketing, you are possibly doing something wrong with your emails. It is time for you to adopt the right practices in order to draw the attention of more of your clients and customers. This article will help you out with 5 of the best ones in the line, which the experts approve.
1. Avoid purchasing contact lists
The email campaigns always depend upon the healthy opening rates! Therefore, if you send your promotional emails to the contacts you have bought, the performance would eventually drop. You should always email the contacts you have earned by making initial interactions. There is a high chance that they would open and respond to the mail by referring to the point of interaction.
Purchased email lists imply that you send your promotional emails to people who haven’t given you the consent for sending them the emails. In that case, your email campaign performance would take a lower graph. There are many things that you should understand and implement in order to make the customers or website visitors subscribe to your newsletters and drop their email addresses with consent. And then, you can use their contact information for sending emails.
2. Stop using ‘No-Reply’ in sender’s email address
Many brands try to put up ‘no-reply’ as a term upon the sender’s email address to indicate to the customer that they cannot reply to this mail. But this term sets them off and prevents them from even viewing the emails. Moreover, they will also opt out from checking out any of the mails with that term in the sender’s address. It is because they feel like such emails have the possibility of being spam.
Instead of doing this, you can prefer setting the automated emails from your first name. The customers will be interested in opening the emails if they find them written by some human rather than an auto-generated email. With this approach, you will also be complying with the email regulations to make your campaign successful in helping you get more sales and customer attention.
3. Optimize the Preview Text of your Email
Optimizing the preview text is very important for the emails you are sending to promote your brand. The email marketing tool you use should have this feature to let you preview and optimize it to bring out the best. A good solution to this problem can be Mailchimp. It is one of the best email marketing tools that allow you to specifically customize your preview text from default to other custom ones.
Do not let the default previews kill the essence of your email. The preview text should be supplementing the subject by adding more details to the topic that will attract the attention of the audience. It should encourage the audience to open the email rather than judge the quality of the email and brand reputation. Some of the default preview text is, “This email might not load properly”, “Can’t see images?” etc.
Such texts will set off the minds of your audience, and they will assume that the mail is not going to load properly on their system. Hence, they close the mail and hop onto the next one. So, don’t let that happen! Take your time and plan out a relevant and catchy preview text for every email you send.
4. Have the Main Message Above the Fold
You need to keep in mind that the main motive of the email and call-to-action should be right above the fold. It means that they should be visible to the reader before they scroll down to read more. As per the recent searches, it is said that the customers scroll more now than they used to. But still, don’t take your chances and have the CTAs above the fold.
With the social media and the vertical timelines of several platforms, the content above the fold is still getting the prime attention than the content after scroll. Mailchimp is one of the most proficient marketing tools that will help you customize the perfect emails in ideal templates to the main message before scrolling. As per the statistics are concerned, the Eye tracking Research from the Neilsen Norman Group states that the consumers spend around 57% of viewing time on the contents above the fold.
Hence, this explains how important it becomes for business owners to send emails with valuable information, mostly above the fold.
5. Add your Logo to the Emails
While setting up emails for your clients and customers, you must add your brand logo to the mail. As per a 2020 study made by Entrust and Red Sift, you can conclude that logos promote brand recalls! Brand recalls are increased by 18% by only a 5-second exposure of the logo within the email. Moreover, the purchase rate increased by 34% when the logos were added to the emails.
Therefore, you need to add your logo to every email you send to customers or clients. Even if they do not recall your brand by the name, services, or products that you have mentioned in the mail, they will recognize the logo for sure. And that will possibly make them go through what you have to offer!
These are the 5 practical practices that one needs to adapt in order to make email marketing campaigns successful. If you want to be successful with your future campaigns, you need to stay updated with the market trends associated with email marketing. Therefore, stay updated with the information over resourceful platforms, and get sufficient knowledge to act upon!