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Mobile superior to online for in-store insights

uSamp has revealed the results of research which found that in-store market research on mobile delivers much richer insights than traditional desktop methodologies. 

The study reveals a significant difference in accuracy and response time on mobile and online. When asked where a particular product was located on a shelf, there was a 26% discrepancy between the answers from in-store mobile and online respondents, with mobile respondents able to validate their answers with a photo taken on their smartphone. In addition, 49% of mobile surveys were completed within ten minutes of the product test, compared to just 9% online.

The real-time benefits of in-store mobile surveys are clear as responses can be submitted in real-time, resulting in more accuracy as respondents do not have to rely on memory after the event.

Ben Leet, managing director of uSamp Europe, said: “Consumers are increasingly living their lives on mobile devices, yet many market research professionals remain unsure of the benefits of this platform. This study shows that mobile provides richer, more accurate insights gathered closer to the moment. The market research industry needs to wake up and realise that mobile is the in-store research methodology of the future.”

Other key findings include:

  • 33% of online surveys were completed more than eight hours after the product test.
  • 80% of mobile respondents were under 45 years of age.
  • Responses to open-ended questions on mobile were more accurate and of a richer quality than online, with higher word counts and fresher, more granular diagnostics.

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